Why are we changing to HTTPS?
Aside from the security and SEO benefits listed above, there is shift in the industry which will see most websites running over HTTPS in the near future. We want you to stay ahead of the curve.
Free SSL from Let’s Encrypt
In addition, an open-source initiative called Let’s Encrypt has brought free, reliable SSL certificates to the mass market. Previously, the cost of SSL certificates was often a barrier to entry for many organisations. To date, Let’s Encrypt has issued over 20 million certificates!
The migration process
In the coming weeks we will be migrating all client websites over to HTTPS, starting with Keystone Premium subscribers.
The migration will be free of charge for Keystone Premium subscribers. For Keystone Lite and Parapet subscribers there will be a nominal free. We will contact you beforehand to let you know the scheduled date for the migration and any costs involved.
Migration is mandatory
Please note that to ensure your website’s ongoing security and to stay ahead of technological advances this migration to HTTPS is mandatory.
What if I already have an SSL Certificate?
We will wait for that certificate to expire and then use to Let’s Encrypt to create a new one. As Let’s Encrypt is free, doing so, will save you the yearly cost you pay currently.